Thursday, June 28, 2007

So just how many sports clubs are in Washington?

It was almost the perfect gay date. Last night TOA asked me if I wanted to go workout with him, of course I said yes. Now we originally met at the gym--we're the two remaining gay stragglers that haven't made the switch from Washington Sports Club to Results. He was going at my usual time (8:30/9pm). Perfect. So I hurry up, tidy up my apt (just in case he needs a shower or massage after), put on a nice tight tank top to show off the guns, and bike on over to WSC DuPont. I notice his bike outside--he has a decent Specialized mtn bike (yes, I'm a bike snob), but has a big "granny seat" on it. Very odd combination. So I mosey on in and start lookin around for the hottie TOA.

Oddly I don't see him anywhere. Send him a txt, no reply. Maybe I missed him? I do the casual "I cant decide what to work on next" downstairs so I can check out all the machines and benches. Still no TOA. After 45min, I gave up all hope. My pecs were already engorged with enough blood, and my abs were tight, so I headed home.

Later that night I get a call from CSV. " went to Gallery Place?" Jesus-titty-fuckin-Christ! My date was ruined because of those capitalist bastards must continually expand their fitness empire. 18 WSC's in the Metro area, we obviously had a difference preference that night. grrrrr. So I sat home alone with my pint of Ben n Jerry's strawberry shortcake ice cream, Harry Potter, and porn. (no I didnt do HP and porn at the same time, that's very "dirty old man")

1 comment:

PennStateVR6 said...

They are closing some clubs in the city, such as the 20th & M and Georgetown locations.

Why do you go to the Dupont WSC and not the one in Glover Park? Wouldn't that be closer to your place? It's also open 24 hours I believe so you can pump up at 2AM or whenever your heart desires.

And don't worry, I'm another homo that hasn't jumped on the results bandwagon.