Friday, June 15, 2007


Just had to share this. Its amazing how some people open themselves up to insult.

Trick: wanna play again soon? it's been awhile
ConsummateAries: yes it has. to be honest, probably not
Trick: aw how come [Here is where he's just asking to be insulted, but I resist]
ConsummateAries: Just not really interested. Sorry...moment of weakness I guess

I wanted to say..."You're not my type. Maybe lose a few pounds, or gain muscles like you looked in your pictures and I'll reconsider."


PennStateVR6 said...

The question is, did you still have sex with him even though he didn't look like his pictures? Reminds me of that scene in Adam & Steve where he says something along the lines of "he showed up and turned out to be a midget, with a cleft lip, bald, one fake eye, no ears, burn scars all over his face, it was just awful... I made sure to tell him to be honest while we laid in bed after sex."

The Consummate Aries said...

Like I told was a moment of weakness. He just had about 5 exta pounds on him. At least he was good. But not good enough for a second helping.

atlwreck said...

5 extra pounds was a dealbreaker??
good lord man!

good is good