Monday, June 18, 2007

Double Standards

Its no secret that men have it better than women in a lot of respects. Men dont have to worry about periods, getting fat from childbirth, expectations of cooking dinner after working 8 hours, 20% less salary for the same job, etc. Two things that women always point to as being jealous of men: being able to pee standing up, and taking off their shirts in public places--and have it be socially acceptable. The former will never change, although it appears there's momentum to change the later. However, I'd like to challenge this double standard and let's see who agrees with me (I'm used to being in the minority).

Sandals, flip flops, thongs, whatever you call them, they're the ideal footware for hot summer days. Your feet are one of the most vascularized parts of your body, and thus have the ability to radiate an enormous amount of heat, helping to keep you cool. Women can take advantage of their social acceptance to wear sandal-like dress shoes to almost any occassion. God forbid if a man should appear at a business meeting in anything besides his brown or black leather dress shoes. I sometimes wish I could trade-in my ability to go shirtless for the ability to wear my flip flops to work everyday. But I'd have to turn in my gay-card to do that.

1 comment:

Red Seven said...

I'm rarely shirtless in public, so the new rule would be fine by me. However, if this means that I'd miss out on the sight of shirtless joggers on my daily commute, then FORGET IT. I live for that $#!t.