Thursday, August 2, 2007

Packing it in

One might assume by the title of this blog that it would be another discourse on being a top, or something of the sort. Nope. Right now I'm literally listening to the woman next to me pack it in for good. Today's her last day, after 35 years as a federal employee. Good for her! As a GS-15, she'll be raking in at least $75k a year in pension and benefits (she's one of the head budgeting people, but why she has an office next to me, I'll never know).

Each time I've packed up my office to leave one job for another, I've always been ecstatic. I was fed-up with grad school, couldn't wait to move on; loved the idea of screwing over my asshole 'Head Master' at the private school I taught at; was literally jumping for joy when I got this job and left that horror of a life and job in South Florida. Needless to say, my sense of accomplishment during each packing was pretty limited. How much can you really account for in 1-4 years of work? Not much. Now 35...that's something. Then again, she did 35 years of federal service, so I probably did more during 4 years in grad school.

So here's an Oprah moment for all of us. List your top 5 professional accomplishments, or things you re most proud of.
1. Scientific publication at the age of 22.
2. Inspiring students to change majors and become biologists.
3. Seeing my work in the news/tv/books/museums.
4. Making my boss in FL realize that you cant treat people like shit.
5. Accepted into PhD program at the age of 21 (but left at 25).

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