Thursday, August 30, 2007

The Kid

As alluded to in a previous blog, I should have another outta-towner visit this weekend. And, like any visitor, there's a helluva story that goes along with this one. I started chatting with this guy Mike online--I don't remember how/where we met. He was living in Pitt, I was in Atlanta. He was younger (like 18/19) but cute and sweet...and being 24, that was an acceptable age range still. We never really intended on meeting, just one of those long distance chat pals (or the equivalent of the modern-day pen pal). We stopped chatting when he started dating a 40-something man, who was obviously only into the relationship to keep Mike as his prize. I couldn't convince him of it, even though the daddy constantly cheated on him. Stuff like that frustrates me so greatly that I just need to cease communication with weak-minded (and willed) people.

After a two year hiatus, we reconnected a few months ago. And with it came a confession: he's now 21, which made him considerably younger at the time. Basically, he lied to me--he wasn't sure, but he said there was the possibility that he wasn't even 18 at the time. I got very disgusted over this, as I have never considered even chatting with a youngin--even if it was legal in good ole Georgia, where I lived. Oh well...water under the bridge now.

So now that I'm in DC, he's lookin forward to meeting. I'm slightly apprehensive, as nothing good usually comes from meeting someone you've "known" for so long. Its usually quite disappointing. (WOW...I have a classic story to share when I have the time) But what the hell...cant hurt. If he's absolutely annoying in person, I'm man enough to say that now, and Pitt isn't too far a drive back home anyway.

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