Thursday, August 9, 2007

Can a ConsummateAries be Courteous, Too?

I constantly find myself in conflicting situations. Raised with the proper manners of any outstanding suburbanite, I always say "thanks," hold doors open, and let people ahead of me, especially women. Herein lies the conflict with my Aries...I'm very competitive and Type-A; this manifests itself as me being a fast walker and always in a rush. So after I let everyone go in front of me to exit the elevator, I try to zoom right past them to get out of the building door. Quite often I get stuck behind slow walkers--the most annoying things in my life. The only time I'm not ultra-courteous is when I'm on the Metro. Its every man/woman for himself. I don't give up my seat, unless its for someone old or disabled, and I'll fight to get in the car so I can have my choice of seats.

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