Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Contemptuous Careers

Most of us in DC work at relatively large agencies, companies, or corporations. Part of this work environment is dealing with people who have completely different jobs than your own, and thus personalities. In prior jobs, I had to work alongside with engineers quite often--who are their own breed of human; some may argue that they're not real people at all. Currently the people that irk me greater than any other group are those that deal with policy and political relations. Specifically inter-agency and international affairs. I often look at them and think, "God, I'd kill myself if this was my job!" It seems like all they do is worry about this or that so that no one is ever offended, regardless of how useless that entity may be in the scheme of things. Do they really take joy in sweating the little things?

Every time I deal with policy people, I just want to strangle them. I guess this is definitely one area where my Aries hinders my job--I cant bite my tongue, beat around the bush, or sugar-coat things. But maybe this is why I am single, as asked by GCC. Do I treat too many people in my social life with the same amount of disdain as I do policy makers/political kiss-asses? If so, I need to identify this flaw and potentially correct my ways.


Gay Canuck in the Capital said...

Hmm, where to begin... First off, I'm glad I have sparked an interest in self-examination. I'll happily give you the name of my therapist ;) That being said, don't get too wound up about what others think.

In terms of policy markers, as one who has played a bit in policy you need to cut them a little slack. You have to please tons of stakeholders and money is always involved. As an old boss said, don't sacrifice the adequate at the altar of the perfect. Often these issue are so entrenched it is easy to just say lets make these big, great changes. But as someone who has slaved over one fucking gene, I know that a small scientific policy change makes a much bigger difference.

The Consummate Aries said...

Yea, I appreciate their work...lord knows I couldnt do it. Its more the fact that I dont have the personality to handle it, nor the capability of understanding how their brains function.