Monday, August 20, 2007

The True Measure of Success

After the two-day swim meet this weekend, I just vegged out at home for a few hours yesterday before seeing Superbad. Of course, a major component of my couch potato activities is searching for, downloading, and watching porn. Now I enjoy, and have a collection, of all types of porn "genres." However, if there's one thing I cant stand (in any porn genre), its porn with plot and scene acting. But in one I was watching yesterday--filmed in my former hometown of Ft Lauderdale--there was a intro scene with a hurricane forecaster. And lo-and-behold...there was one of my images from work. An image of Hurricane Katrina slapped in the middle of a raunchy bb gay porno. YES!!! I've finally made it. Yet again, more ways in which porn intersects with my life.
The image used in the porn.


AtlWreck said...

i hope they credited you for your work ;)

The Consummate Aries said...

I was seriously toying with the idea of telling the guy that made the image that I saw it in a porn. Of course, I'd preface it with "one of my friends was watching porn when..."

Gay Canuck in the Capital said...

I LOVE scenes in porn. I need a story or else it is just sex. Odd huh?

Sadly or happily, that is the only way you will ever get into a porno ;)