Sunday, July 29, 2007

Unmentionables in Plain Sight

I thoroughly enjoy having people over for dinner. For one thing, it gives me an opportunity to cook, which relaxes me and gives me a sense of accomplishment--something I'm often lacking on the weekend. But another good reason for having people over: it forces me to clean, or at least pick up the apartment. So after a pound of pasta, sauce, pound of chicken parmesan, and two pounds of sausage (not to mention a big loaf of garlic bread); an enjoyable game of poker; and simple chit chat, I thought the night went well. Then I had to pee.

It is then I noticed that I somehow overlooked putting away certain unmentionables while cleaning the apartment today. Yup...there it was, in plain cock ring, sitting on the bathroom sink.

As both The Imelda and GCC certainly noticed this at dinner, I feel this is a great way to apologize (if needed), and clarify why it was sitting there. No, I didn't get laid--far from it. Just one of the "I think I'm gonna jerk off with my CR on today" does make things a bit more enjoyable, I wonder why i don't do it more often (I'll have to make a mental not to do it, just not before having company over). And don't hands were thoroughly washed afterwards, and before I started cooking ;-)

The amazing thing...knowing how unabashed, outspoken, and quick to call someone out both GCC and The Imelda are, I cant believe they didn't mention it the whole night!!


atlwreck said...

hmm...i think i have that one in black.
but really, who doesn't?

(wayyyyy to go retard) ;)

The Consummate Aries said...

That's not what mine looks like--I just laughed when I saw it the pic next to that erection lube. Priceless.

Gay Canuck in the Capital said...

I actually did not go into the bathroom at all (long run, dehydrated, no pee); you know if I had, I certainly would have commented. I, of course, don't need one ;)

The Consummate Aries said...

1. The CR is for enhanced pleasure, not an inability to keep it up.
2. Is your purported lack of use just complete BS or is it cause you're actually asexual, and just making up all the stuff you write about?

wonks said...

Oh my Lord! I saw it, but my virgin eyes thought it was a wristband. (you really do have tiny wrists, you know).