Friday, July 20, 2007


As stated before here and here, my life is in a constant flux of bulimic tendencies. This has definitely been a BINGE week at work. Countless off-site meetings, pesky people who have nothing better to do with their day besides hassle me with trivial issues, training for the big swim on Sunday, and friends in town...all this has lead to a total lack of new content on here. In many ways, I could use a good blog (much like a good blow job), just don't have time for it this week. So I'm carving out a space of time here before letting my day go crazy again.

And one other hassle this week: TOA has voiced his desire to "just be friends" so that he can pursue another relationship with someone he met right before me. Grrrrreat, that just makes me feel so special. This "you're great, but" has happened about 5 times since I moved to DC. After really clicking they either have something already and don't tell ya, or I'm not good enough. Goes to show the saying that GCC, JB, and I always use, "Sure I can get laid, but no one will love me" really pertains to my life. In fact, its really a motif or mantra. Before I went to work today, I saw my ex Jr online and expressed how I really miss what we had. The scary thing: that was in like 2003. I've gone 4 years without any significant dates/relationships. I know, I know...some of you who are over 35, single, and bitter will say "that's nothing"...but think of it as I haven't had a relationship since I was 25, which should be the prime time of dating for any man.

Needless to say, I got shitty drunk on Wednesday night after swim practice--again, with someone I would've dated, but he chose another. Luckily I get over rejection quite well. Now I just gotta figure out a way to effectively blow-off Nicole on Sunday after the meet. Isn't it great how I bitch about rejection here, but can turn it around on someone else so easily?

1 comment:

Gay Canuck in the Capital said...

I'm sorry to hear that kid. We can talk about it tonight when you get shit faced again ;) And dance to Erasure.