Wednesday, July 11, 2007

I Was Violated Yesterday!

I am not a materialistic person. However, I do become attached to those objects that are intimately tied to my life. Since I moved to DC and got rid of my car (most people's primary object of affection), my bike has become integral in my daily activities. However, that relationship was almost severed yesterday.

I am always extremely cautious with my bike, I lock up both wheels whenever its outside my apartment, as well as remove the seat. I've learned over the last year and a half that DC will take whatever it can get. When in Dupont, I often lock my bike up in my friend's garage at his cafe on 17th St. Though oddly, I always feel more nervous about doing this than just locking it to a street pole. My anxiety was proved right. Apparently, someone broke into the garage yesterday and was able to cut the locks on mine and another person's bikes in the garage. Luckily the fact that I removed the seat from mine made it difficult to get away, and an employee spotted and stopped them before my bike disappeared. My friend wasn't so lucky, his was stolen.

So last night I picked it up from the cafe. I hopped on, and it felt odd. Nothing was wrong with it, just didn't ride the same. I attribute this feeling to the fact that the relationship with my bike had been violated--much like the husband who cannot have sex with his wife after she is raped. Its an intangible feeling. But it still exists. Oh well, I'll get over it. Maybe we need to take a retreat and reconnect--spend some quality time together. Of course, that's after I buy a shiny new headlight and lock.


PennStateVR6 said...

Sorry to hear your bike almost got stolen. I know that "phantom feeling" all too well. I still cringe walking up Eckington to my apt, even though the failed-mugging took place weeks ago.

On another note, you need to help me find a used bike on craiglist, a friend wants me to do the Century ride with her!

Gay Canuck in the Capital said...

Bummer. I think of that as part of the cost of owning a bike. Sad but true. And as an aside, never buy a used bike from CL. There is a high chance it is stolen and thus you are supporting the industry. Better to buy a used bike from reputable store (even that is unlikely, most good stores won't sell used bikes for this reason).