Tuesday, September 11, 2007


In today's Washington Post Express, there was a story about a burglar who had to flee the scene of a crime without his clothes, after a fight with the homeowner. I'm not sure which is worse...the fact that he was burglarizing, or he had to run around Duluth, MN naked. I'm pretty sure it never gets above 0 deg C there.

So what crazy streaking stories do you have? My neighbor recently regaled a group of us with his story of streaking down Connecticut Avenue in Cleveland Heights on a weekend night.


atlwreck said...

you know quite well that me+liquor=nakedness

The Consummate Aries said...

Yes...but share your finest streak story...I'm sure you drunk dialed me either before of after.

atlwreck said...

hmmm..."finest" and "streak" don't usually go together.

there's was a particular fraternity weekend in PC where i spent the first 2 hours swigging directly from a handle of captain's and the rest the night butt-ass naked. walking room to room (we had five or six in the hotel) walking out on the hall/balcony (waving to people on the beach as im told), tackling people in the bedrooms, etc. etc.
and yes, there are pictures. (so much for my career in politics)

ohhhh college...

Gay Canuck in the Capital said...

Never done it, never will. As much as I am an exhibitionist on some level I have no desire to be naked in public.