Monday, September 24, 2007

Show Me the Money!!

Yet again, we're approaching the end of the 2007 fiscal year, which means that in order for the government to (theoretically) function, a new annual budget must be passed starting October 1st. And yet again, Congress has yet to provide such a spending bill. Now we all procrastinate on some things, and turn in other projects late on occasion. However, this task is becoming incredibly problematic for our Congress. Not only are they running late this year, they never passed a budget last year! Since the primary job of Congress is to (1) levy taxes and spend those taxes, and (2) create laws, they are in serious dereliction of their #1 job. I used to get pissed off when Congress would debate bullshit issues like gay marriage instead of coming up with important legislation such as gun control, health care, education reform, etc...but at least back in the good ole days they finished their primary job before dealing with the needless instead of the needed. What can be said about the last two bodies that we've elected?

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