Thursday, September 6, 2007


Few things instill a greater sense of disgust in me more than morbidly obese people. I guess I see it as complete laziness. I've exercised almost daily for my entire life. Cant people just go for a walk for 30min three times a week? I constantly yell/lecture my mom on this issue, as she has struggled with weight gain. Granted, some degree of obesity may be genetic, due to other health conditions, or even virally induced. However, it can usually be controlled to some extent. My mother is probably like the 90% of fat Americans...she's just lazy. The day she gets a hover-round, I'm gonna lose it.

This morning on my walk to the metro I encountered an Orca-fat person riding their hover-round down the side walk. At 600lbs, that must be some battery and motor. The amazing thing: she was seat belted into it. Even though Newton stated that "every object in a state of uniform motion tends to remain in that state of motion unless an external force is applied to it," I seriously doubt a little jolt is gonna send that 600lb amorphous blob flying through the air. More likely, that object that is resting 95% of its life will stay resting. But if it did lose contact with the seat, 1. I'd be scared or 2. I'd have to laugh.


atlwreck said...

think of it more like a heavy freight train...but heavier: takes many miles for it to come to a complete stop after it gets up to speed.

just imagine the scooter hitting a curb while heading downhill. the seatbelt isn't for their protection, it's for everyone in front of them.

SYNRGY said...

How long did you live here in Atlanta? Just curious...

SYNRGY said...

LOL I don't go out that much... I'm sure you are a nice guy...
Please I'm bitter, and hateful... I'm a hairdresser.

Jungle has gone Country... WTF!