Thursday, May 31, 2007

He Forgot to Wipe My Ass

So I learned a few lessons while traveling to and from Paris, I thought I'd share my Top 10 with you in case you're ever in a similar situation:

1. If your boarding pass doesn't have a seat listed, be afraid and start bitching early.

2. When one airline bumps you, don't assume they're rescheduling your flight on the same airline.

3. It is possible to get from National to Dulles by cab in under 30min during rush hour to catch a plane.

4. When in a rush, it never hurts to tell security.

5. If you tell security, be prepared for a thorough frisking, swabbing, searching, and interrogation.

6. You might as well enjoy #5, there's nothing you can do about it.

7. When a meal is described solely as "beef", whatever you do, don't order it.

8. One can survive on trail mix and water for 12 hours.

9. When arriving into a foreign country, don't look suspicious or you'll be searched for drugs.

10. Travel drunk, its quasi-legal and makes the whole experience more enjoyable.

1 comment:

PennStateVR6 said...

When you grow up flying across the Atlantic on 16+ hour flights at least twice a year, you quickly develop the ability to get on a plane, fall asleep, wake up for meals and eat them without questioning their composition, and then go back to sleep until you land. :)

My favorite flight was from Bs As to Paris on Air France, where they gave us Game Gears and video games to keep us entertained. The worst was Varig, who served FROZEN shrimp dinners but I was so hungry that I just devoured the rubbery little curls.