Friday, May 11, 2007

Bienvenue a mon monde!

No...I'm not one of those damn French commie-bastards, I'm just feeling festive in preparation for our (me and swim team) trip to Paris in 11 days for the IGLA meet. Don't worry, I'll be eating Freedom Fries the entire time! (How's that, Stephen Colbert?)

So to start this whole thing off, I thought I might discuss why I, a Consummate Aries, gave into the local blogo-peer pressure (not a very Aries thing to do). Perhaps its because my memory is starting to slip, at the ripe old age of 29, and I'd like some way to record my thoughts and experiences for all posterity? Maybe its because I have nothing better to do while sitting in this comfy chair at my Fed desk job? Or it could be that I'm now trying to fulfill my childhood desire to keep a diary--one of the many luxuries I never had, including a teddy bear and red wagon. There's also the slight chance that the exhibitionist inside me is scratching its way out (now there's my Aries coming to the surface!). Probably a little of each.

PS...I don't hate Frenchies. Hell, I spent 7 years of my life studying that language (for...?). I guess that opening line is just another example of why us Aries don't make for very good politicians (e.g., Eugene McCarthy and Adolf Hitler)...we say/do things that get us in trouble down the road. Oh well...C'est la vie!


Gay Canuck in the Capital said...

ma monde? isnt it feminine? ;)

The Consummate Aries said...

Actually, "monde" is masculine, but has an "e" at the end. Kind of like you...a little mixed masc/femme.