Monday, January 21, 2008

I bet he wears AF clothes too

The other night I was at that old New Orleans gay standby--the Bourbon Street Pub. It was Saturday night, and all I could remember from my last visit were the hot bartenders and go-go dancers. Well let's just say that this is another example of how things just aren't quite the same in this town post Katrina. The guy shaking his booty (a move I believe he stole from me) on the bar was actually a good 45 years old. Granted, he had a perfect body, but there's just something wrong about strippers being over, I dunno, 30. I know that's total age discrimination--but for something superficial like stripping, that's probably socially acceptable. Though its still better than those ultra-chicken twinks that they have dancing at Town on Friday nights. At least he's got some beef. At Town, I always hear, "Where's the beef?!" in the back of my head.

1 comment:

atlwreck said...

though my curiosity is peaked, i'll refrain from asking where you found such a picture...