Monday, January 7, 2008

Its the thought that counts

I've mentioned before that I'm a food snob. I wouldn't call myself a "foodie", since I don't go around to all the latest and greatest restaurants trying to experience the newest culinary concoctions. But I am sometimes overly critical of food preparations and ingredients. Unfortunately, this means I often assert my prowess in friends' kitchens--I cant help it, its an Aries trait. Now I'm not the world's best cook, by any means. I'm probably just slightly better than the average 29yr old male. So naturally, living with the Imelda and having the opportunity to entertain for our friends makes me happy, along with cooking for the Musician. However, this also means he feels the necessity to return the favor, as happened the other night.

I commuted my ass down to Dumfries, where he lives. The plan was dinner and a movie--but he was going to cook. I was very optimistic. He sent me a text mid-day asking if I like blue cheese. Usually, any recipe that uses a good Roquefort or Gorgonzola gets a gold star in my book. Nope...that just went on the salad. Nice touch though. But the main course: roasted turkey, mashed potatoes, and broccoli. Sounds good right? Except the turkey was some kind of pressed turkey-like meat substance in a loaf form, with gelatinous gravy. Mmmmm. The mashed potatoes were boxed. Mmmmm. And the broccoli was frozen in cheese sauce. Actually pretty mmmm (again, cheese). But I will admit, I love the idea of a man cooking for me, especially after a tiring day at work. "A for Effort" or should it be "Affort"?


The Consummate Aries said...

Well I guess, unlike some people (*looks at ATLWreck*), he at least tries to cook for me :-P

atlwreck said...

i cared too much for your health to ever make you dinner ;)

Gay Canuck in the Capital said...

Dumfries? I had to mapquest it. Oh God I am so sorry.