Tuesday, January 15, 2008

I'm running for president

Many people run on single-issue platforms. Ross Perot had his chickens, Steve Forbes was the flat tax, last election W was all about national security, as is Guiliani this year. My presidential platform will be health care. But its not the position you'd imagine.

As I walk to the Metro each morning, I pass the kids going to the Bell and Lincoln multicultural schools. Not once have I ever seen these kids scarfing down something healthy for breakfast as they rush off to class. Nope, its usually something like chips, Doritos, Skittles, etc. Invariably they're also incredibly fat for their age...and growing wider by the day. The problem with socialized health care is that I'll have to pay for their unnecessary diabetes and other treatments. Fuck that! If we go down this road towards socialized health care, I want a requirement that to qualify, you need a BMI below 30. Failure to maintain that BMI will result in the loss of coverage--except the use of fitness related discounts.


Gay Canuck in the Capital said...

Where is the line? In the 80s could people thus not pay for gay men with HIV as they got it from sex? When does innocence end and guilt begin? The whole point behind socialism-lite is that we all contribute and some take more and some take less. Whether it is health care, welfare, etc. As soon as we start to cast blame it's pointless. That being said, I'm with you. Sometimes it is frustrating that some of us take care of ourselves and we see others who don't and know that on some level we will support them (Medicare, insurance, etc.) But then I realize my quality of life will be (and is) so much better. So in the end, I win ;)

The Consummate Aries said...

I agree that the guilt vs innocence is a fine line. But when people are told "dont eat this, its bad for you" on a daily basis, but they do it anyway...three times a day, I have no sympathy. It would be similar to a gay man now who fucks a new guy every day without protection. He's got it coming!