Friday, October 26, 2007

Wish me luck!

So I'm heading "home" this weekend to the town where I grew up...the burbs outside Philadelphia. One of my "little sisters" (youngest daughter of our closest family friends who was a swimmer too and had no brothers) is getting married. I guess most people get excited about going home after not having seen the town in years...I don't. I left the area for a reason--I didn't particularly enjoy my childhood years there...hence moving far away to the South. I know I'm going to come face-to-face with annoyances from my past--fat chicks who want to dance with the gay guy, losers, and real estate agents. Since I never went to my 10-year reunion, this will be the closest thing to it. I have images of Romy and Michelle in my head. --Yes, I invented Post-It Notes.-- Especially since I was a quasi-nerd back in high school, but will probably be the only 29yr old male there with abs and a full head of hair.

(below is written from my sister's suburban castle)

Case in point, the sister who's organizing a lot of the reception asked me "Do you want to sit with ___ (insert names of fat chicks) or your parents?" I went with my parents. A. I don't get to see them very often; B. Otherwise I'd have endless questions from air-headed cheerleader wannabees while staring at caked-on makeup. Just what I need...more fag hags. Nevertheless, I'll undoubtedly spend 10 min picking out the perfect tie to match the suit I packed in the hopes of being second-to-none when it comes to formal fashion (I quickly shoved 4 ties in my suitcase). Hey...I'm gay...gotta reputation to uphold

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