Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Study: DC is Immune from Alzheimer's

After finishing The Swarm and The Children of Hurin (review pending), I've returned to my daily routine of reading The Express on my 4 Metro stop ride to work. Its amazing how everyone has the same but different routine when it comes to reading the paper during their commute. I read page 1 and 3, skim through the international, read the local, then the blog page (of course), "today in history", then if I have time, I read The Onion-like content on page 2. As an aside, whoever writes the horoscopes for The Express fuckin sucks! They're never even close to right.

So today's article that caught my eye was a recently released study of the linkage between how people classify their personalities and the likelihood of developing Alzheimer's. The gist of the study is that Type-A personalities (organized, driven, dominate) had a much lesser chance of developing Alzheimer's later in life. The really interesting part of the 200 word blurb was that some autopsies showed that even though Type-A people may have had bran lesions characteristic of Alzheimer's, they rarely developed signs of dementia, symptomatic of Alzheimer's. Very cool.

So since DC is 95% Type-A (I leave 5% for the hippies, coffee baristas, and Greenpeace solicitors), few of us should be walking around muttering nonsense by the age of 72. This is definitely a relief for me...my nonsensical mutterings must be some other mental disorder, and not Alzheimer's.

1 comment:

Knitter said...

My non-nonsensical musings are the conversations I have with the higher beings that chose to communicate with me on a a regular basis, specially when I am shopping, or trying to write a post. Seriously I think you are on to something.