Tuesday, July 24, 2007

My Life Starring Parker Posey

We often see a movie and self-identify with the character, then argue with our friends saying, "no, that was totally me!" Tonight, however, was different. It started with a bit of masochism--TOA asked me out to a movie yesterday, I agreed. We went to E Street to see Sicko (though I wasn't too keen on it). Luckily "Broken English" started at the same time. I had no idea what the movie was about, never even saw an advertisement for it before. All I know is Parker Posey has a habit of picking good films, and it beat watching Michael Moore bitch for 2hrs about problems we'll never fix.

I enjoyed the movie thoroughly, laughed at PP's hangups, neuroses, and marveled at her amazing character acting. Some parts were eerily similar to my own life. There I was, sitting next to the guy I still have a crush on, him rubbing up against me in the movie theatre, watching a story about a girl who always thinks she finds the right man, only to be let down by some unknown detail--they're already taken, don't live locally, not interested in relationships, etc. And her solution? Drown her sorrows in wine, stiff drinks, and pills. Atta gurl! She totally lived the "Sure I can get laid, but no one will love me" life. In fact, a striking comment (amongst many) was Mom: "You've had some good boyfriends"; PP: "Mom, those were in college" (as she's 30 now). As I'm approaching 30, I realized tonight that I haven't had a relationship since grad-school (which were really my college years, since I lived it up then and not during undergrad).

As TOA and I left the theatre he said that he didn't like the movie, I mentioned that I liked it, probably cause I could identify with the main character. He, obviously, didn't. It was hard for him to grasp the concept of ignoring past mistakes while getting swept up in the moment of puppy love. Of course the movie ends happily, but it caused the walk home from the Metro to be entrenched in self-reflection. The point of the story was that you cant have a decent relationship unless you know and love yourself first. I totally believe that, and always lookout for #1 before all others. But I don't think that knowing, loving, and taking care of oneself will protect you from the shitheads out there. PP had a string of men like TOA in her life, as I have too. And, like PP, I sit here blogging and drinking my glass of Malbec so I may find satisfactory sleep.


Gay Canuck in the Capital said...

Delete him from the phone, NOW. Nothing good can come from this.

The Consummate Aries said...

It was less him and more the movie, and the whole irony of the situation. I'm emotionally stable around him. The movie just got me that night for some reason--the wine while blogging didnt help. God I need a good "Bottom" too!