Monday, November 5, 2007

From Ducks to Domiciles

Wow....its been a crazy week. Where to begin? First, I've been absent due to my move. As alluded to in previous posts, I have becomes a non-sexual domestic partner with The Imelda. We found a quaint condo in Mt Pleasant to lease. So all last week I was packing up my old apt and getting ready for the move. Luckily, I convinced Neighbor Chad to help me pack in exchange for a homemade Italian feast. Very fair I'd say. The movers came on Thursday--I give them 4 Stars for friendliness, efficiency, and moving skill. Since then I've been unpacking and buying needless shit for the new place. The Imelda takes up residence on Wednesday. And I did check...she has 2-3x the closet space that I do, so hopefully all her shoes will fit.

(Not my decorations. Naturally mine are better.)

And if you're lucky you'll be invited to the housewarming!

Now how could I forget, in the midst of all that madness, my favorite day/night of the year came to pass. Yes...Halloween. Though I had some great costume ideas set aside from previous years, we had to go with a swim suit theme for our a team fundraiser at Nellies. I couldnt be something stereotypical or cliche, so I thought of the wackiest thing I could...speedo and rubber duckies. Now some may consider it a crime to cover my very reputable ass with plastic oddities, but the bobbing of duck bills and tails from the natural wiggle of my booty when I walk was (I'm sure) enough to please those who I would have otherwise offended. I did have some problems with people grabbing certain duckies, but a little ingenuity (box packing tape from the move) solved the problem of falling ducks over the course of the night.

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