Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Call me June Cleaver

...or better yet, call me Martha-Jean. After all, over the past weekend I successfully integrated tips from Martha and my mom (Jean) into a cohesive domestic experience reminiscent of June Cleaver, herself. Luckily, the Imelda was motivated to organize all of her belongings in preparation for our the hybrid fete of the Pentegenarian's birthday and our housewarming party on Sunday night. I think each of our guests were shocked to find her room in order. But to get it to that state required copious amounts of cleaning, organizing, shopping, and zshuzshing (to borrow a term from Queer Eye). Pictures, mirrors, shelves etc mounted on walls, carpets arranged, electronics properly wired and configured, 30 boxes unpacked and organized, food shopping, cooking, cleaning afterwards. No time for rest, that's for sure!!

And when it was all said and done, our hearth-warmed house was open to guests for wine, cheese, salad, lasagna, and birthday cake. Not to mention a few stiff cocktails made by yours truly. Needless to say, afterwards I went out and bought new curtains...always need to keep guests on their toes and impressed by new decorations. Martha and Jean would be proud.

1 comment:

Knitter said...

30 Boxes !!! Where did you put all that stuff ?? I know ther bed is bottomless but c'on.

The party was great, the lasagna was delicious and the apartment is terrific.